
29 Week Bumpdate

How far along? 29 weeks
Size of baby? A hawaiian pineapple. When Kendal and I went grocery shopping he grabbed a pineapple off the shelf and put it right by the bump to compare… ABSOLUTELY CRAZY to think she is getting so big in there!
Maternity Clothes? Loving all my maternity jeans, leggings and sweats!
Pregnancy Symptoms? I’ve been a little moody this week, if we are being honest! Haha I feel like I have been pretty steady with my emotions throughout most of this pregnancy, but there is something about entering the third trimester that has really messed with my head! I just have so many nerves about EVERYTHING! It’s close and it’s scary. Don’t get me wrong… I am crazy excited too! But I’m feeling extremely under-prepared in pretty much every way. Advice??
Sleep? It’s been alright! Just the usual.
Cravings? My sweet tooth came back with a fiery vengeance this week! I haven’t baked cookies once this whole pregnancy (so weird compared to my usual twice a month regimen pre-pregnancy) but finally got the craving for chocolate chip cookies (actually chocolate chip cookie dough)! So I made a batch and it was heavenly. Then, we had some older zucchini that needed to be used and I made double chocolate zucchini muffins! So much baking! It helped calm my nerves a little at least. Baking always makes me feel better!
Anything making you queasy? This is an odd one, but chicken hasn’t sounded appealing all week! In no shape or form other than the spicy chicken deluxe combo meal from Chick-Fil-A Kendal brought home for me!
Baby movement? Yes and I caught more on video! Such a fun memory of growing this little chick! :)
Best moment this week? My work brought in a massage therapist for a few days for employee appreciation and having someone rub my lower back was incredible! My low back seems to be constantly uncomfortable and that really helped.
Weird pregnancy moment? Hormones are still rocking my poor skin! I got a ginormous zit on my nose that has been really great to deal with. Nawt. What’s a girl to do when Mt. Vesuvius decides to set up camp smack dab in the middle of my face?!
What I’m looking forward to? Not having to pee every 5 minutes. Hahah and I still have 10 weeks left! I don’t know how I am going to get through it!

28 Week Bumpdate

How far along? 28 weeks - THIRD TRIMESTER AHHHH!
Size of baby? A tropical coconut! It sure looks like I have a coconut in under my belly!
Pregnancy Symptoms?
Sleep? Sleep has been alright for me but the really exciting thing about sleep this week is not so much for me… but for baby! I learned that she might be starting to dream at this point! How cool is that??
Cravings? I had the strongest craving for cottage cheese with peaches this week! I ate some every single day and looooved it.
Anything making you queasy? Not much! I’ve even been chowing down on some leftover chocolate Halloween candy! (Btw, if you haven’t tried the Reese’s cups stuffed with Reese's Pieces, you NEED to!)
Name? This had to be mentioned this week! So… the name is and will remain a secret. BUT we MIGHT have come up with a game changer. This whole time, we have been pretty set on a certain name (one we’ve talked about since before we were even engaged). But we went to the movies over the weekend and there was one character whose name stood out to me. The entire movie I just kept thinking of this name and liking it more and more. When we came out, I mentioned the name to Kendal and he really liked it to! It just has such a pretty ring to it :) So… while I still LOVE our first idea (and the thought of not using it makes me feel kind of sad/ like I am cheating on it) there will be some competition once she has made her official arrival and we can decide which suits her more!
Baby movement? Always! She’s a strong little missy :)
Best moment this week? I’ve started swimming laps at the pool and it is freaking amaaazing. It feels so good to be in the water and I feel like it gives me more energy throughout the day! I just really love everything about it and I’m really not sure why I didn’t start doing it sooner?!
Weird pregnancy moment? Weird things really aren’t that weird to me at this point. I’ve just accepted that I have little to no control over what my body does at this point haha!
What I’m looking forward to? I’m really looking forward to the baby shower my angel Mother-in-law and aunt are throwing for me! It’s made me realize how many amazing people I have in my life. With my own mom in India, it’s comforting to know there are so many people here who love and support me! Also, I’ve held off buying A LOT of stuff and when the third tri officially hit, I got super anxious thinking about everything we still need to get and do before baby comes. But I’m so thankful there are so many women in my corner who will help me and give me advice on all things baby!


27 Week Bumpdate

How far along? 27 weeks
Weight Gain? I had a doctors appointment this week and got an update on my weight gain! I will just say that the second number was one I have never seen while on a scale! Haha it was kind of crazy to see something that. But baby girl is growing and she’s healthy and I am happy! :)
Size of baby? A bunch of bananas.
Pregnancy Symptoms? My bladder feels like it’s the size of a walnut! If I’m not in the bathroom or walking to the bathroom, I am thinking about the next time I will have to get up to go to the bathroom! Hahah oh the joys of pregnancy!
Sleep? I felt a little more energetic this week! I slept pretty well each night and didn’t get as tired as early as I have throughout the pregnancy. I guess I got that “second trimester burst of energy” in my last week of the 2nd tri lol!
Cravings? Anything salty! Chips, fries, you name it.
Anything making you queasy? Not really! Yay!
Baby movement? OH MY GOODNESS! The greatest thing happened. Baby girl had been moving so much through the week, so Kendal and I decided to try something out. One of my pregnancy apps said that she could see this week and it recommended a little game. Apparently at this stage, baby can differentiate between light and dark. So it said if we put a flashlight up to my belly, baby might start moving around. YUP! It definitely worked. Haha literally the instant Kendal put the light up to my stomach, she LURCHED. It totally freaked me out! Kendal didn’t see it because I jumped so high but it looked like she dragged her arm across the entire right side of my belly. Hahah we really must have startled her in there! It was so funny and I’ve tried to recreate it since then, but nothing compares to that first time.
Best moment this week? It was Halloween this week, so the best moment by far was dressing my bump up with our costume! I’ve been looking forward to incorporating my pregnant tummy into my costume for yearssss. It was so fun to finally be able to use the idea I’ve been dreaming up for so long! Kendal and I were “Cast Away”. He was Tom Hanks, complete with crazy hair and a huge beard, ripped clothes and a FedEx box. I, of course, was Wilson. Everyone got a kick out of it! It turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself! ALSO, my brother Stephan threw a 1920’s murder mystery dinner and although I didn’t use my belly as a prop for that party, it was really cool for my siblings to see my growing bump! What made it even better was their reaction to touching it! Hahah unfortunately baby didn’t move for them, but it was just so funny how shocked they were by how firm and tight my belly feels! I’m pregnant with the first grandbaby on my side of the family and my sister-in-law, Shayla, doesn’t have any nieces or nephews either. So I don’t think any of them have touched a lot of pregnant bellys. It really is surprising how hard baby bumps feel!
Weird pregnancy moment? When winning costumes were being awarded at our ward’s Halloween party, there was obviously a lot of clapping going on (we got second place, btw!). It seemed like baby girl was clapping along with everyone else because she was practically doing flips each time the room erupted in applause! I don’t know if she could really hear the noise or if it was just coincidence, but it was exciting either way!
What I’m looking forward to? Hitting trimester THREE next week! Ah!


26 Week Bumpdate

How far along? 26 weeks
Size of baby? Baby is a butternut squash! Just in time for the winter squash season too :)
Maternity Clothes? Same as last week! BUT one of the best moments was… I finally scored some long maternity jeans at DI! AND they are pretty cute too. I really like the cut and color of them. I mean, they aren’t super long and still seem a little short but at least I feel like I can get away with wearing them with normal shoes!
Pregnancy Symptoms? CRAMPING. Oh the cramping. Accompanied by a huuuuge growth spurt, just as the article I read promised (about feeling less movement prior to some major growing developments). I woke up Sunday morning after a few days of intense cramps and discomfort and Kendal was like, “woah, that babe doubled in size overnight!” I checked myself out in the mirror and he was spot on. I was suddenly huge! Like definitely and obviously pregnant. It was the craziest thing! We were actually on  weekend trip with a Kendal’s family at the time and they agreed. When we went down to have breakfast with them in the hotel lobby they were like “oh my goodness, there really is a baby in there!” And everyone in gas stations just looked at my bump and smiled at me at every rest stop we visited on the road trip. It was so fun feeling recognized for all my hard work! Growing a human is not easy!
Sleep? Still frequently wake up through the night and struggle to fall back asleep. I have a feeling it’ll continue to be like this for the rest of the pregnancy. I guess my body is just preparing itself to be up all night with a newborn!
Cravings? We got ice cream twice on the trip with Kendal’s family and it was super satisfying! Like, it wasn’t something I had been thinking about but while I was eating it I realized that it was REALLY hitting the spot!
Anything making you queasy? Tomatoes cause they are so acidic. I had to pick out all the tomatoes in my salads and give them to Kendal which was a huge bummer cause they looked so yummy! (That’s something I never thought I’d say as a child lol).
Baby movement? Oh. My. Goodness. This little girl really turned into a gymnast, salsa dancer, kickboxer this week! She constantly wiggled, punched, kicked and twirled alllll week long! It was so much fun! I could see pretty much every movement on the outside which is always double exciting for me. I even caught a few of her blips on video which made me extra happy!
Best moment this week? I ran a mile on the treadmill at the gym and felt sooo good! I haven’t really attempted running for a few months but I just felt like my body needed it! (Probably from sitting in the car for hours and hours on our weekend trip to Northern Idaho - which was also the best part of this week!) Oh and ask me how sore I was from just that one mile? Haha it’s like my body forgot it had any of those muscles!
Weird pregnancy moment? The growth. It was the best and weirdest. It’s like even though I’ve had one positive pregnancy test,  two ultrasounds, have heard her heartbeat multiple times and was constantly sick for three months… I didn’t feel like there was a baby in there until my tummy extended over my legs. Hahah I’ve just kept saying to Kendal, “what if I’m not pregnant and I am just getting fat?” But now that I’ve popped this far I feel obviously pregnant and have honestly loved it! It’s just such a cool experience and so weird to think that growing a person inside of you is POSSIBLE!

What I’m looking forward to? Continuing to feel those constant movements! Pregnancy just got so fun this week between popping and watching her wiggle inside me.


25 Week Bumpdate

Size of baby? Napa cabbage!
Maternity Clothes? I have officially set aside all my pre-pregnancy jeans but one (which I call my Italian fat pants because on days on my study abroad when I wanted to feel really comfy I wore them because I accidently bought them too big haha). Still haven’t found any long maternity jeans though so I am keeping my fingers crossed the D.I. heavens will shine down on my sometime soon so I don’t have to wear boots everyday.
Pregnancy Symptoms? Honestly? I got a bad case of the toots. Every day. All day. Hahah I have never been so gassy in my life! (Admitting this is the most embarrassing thing I’ve written on this blog for sure!) But… it’s true. And real. And I can’t wait to be back to normal so I don’t feel like a boy in elementary school anymore.
Sleep? Nothing too different! Sometimes I grab a pillow to lodge between my legs for comfort when I am falling asleep, but I occasionally did that pre-pregnancy!
Baby movement? She seemed a little less active this week which made me feel a little uneasy but I read that this is normal and probably means she’s in for a growth spurt soon!
Best moment this week? Learning that she can likely hear and recognize my voice and possible Kendal’s at this point! I’ve started talking to her more and can’t help but smile when I feel her react in my tummy!

24 Week Bumpdate

How far along? 24 weeks
Size of baby? Eggplant baby :)
Maternity Clothes? Mostly wearing maternity jeans at this point. They are just so comfy! I’ve found some pretty great deals at DI. The only problem is… I have looong legs and everything I find that fits everywhere else is just a wee short. Good thing it’s boot season! Haha
Pregnancy Symptoms? Just the usual heartburn. I read that this week baby girl starts developing hair and there is a pregnancy myth that says heartburn = hairy baby. It’s going to be so exciting to see if that’s true or not! It would be so fun to have a little babe with a full head of hair :) But if she comes out with an egghead, I will love her all the same. Haha. After running across this myth, I texted my sis-in-law who just had a baby in February that was born with a head full of luscious locks to see if she experienced a lot of heartburn during her pregnancy. She confirmed that she did, alike her two prior pregnancies and that all her babies have had lots of hair. But of course, she said it’s a myth and heartburn is a very typical symptom. Until I meet this little sweetie, I will keep imagining her with lots of dark hair.
Sleep? Same old, same old. Still pretty comfortable (counting my blessings I continue to be able to sleep on my back without feeling winded!)
Cravings? We had our annual halloween get together with some of our friends up here and I made a big dish of dirt and worms for dessert (aka chocolate pudding, crushed oreos and gummy worms) and guess what? The most appealing thing about it was the gummy worms. I suppose pregnancy graduated me from my chocoholic status! I mean, don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed the pudding and oreos. But I couldn’t keep my hands off the gummy worms when I was assembling the treat! Hahah
Anything making you queasy? Processed meat. I hit my limit with it the weekend before and can happily go without any bacon or sausage or most pork products. For the halloween party I mentioned, it’s our tradition to make mummy brats (bratwursts wrapped in dough), and I ate one because like I said… IT’S OUR TRADITION. But sometimes I honestly think I could make it as a vegetarian (something I never thought I would say).
Baby movement? All the normal kicks, punches and twirls!
Best moment this week? (To be honest, I am writing this post just a few weeks late and I am wracking my brain for other details about what happened during this time… But I got nothin!)
Weird pregnancy moment? MY BOOBS STARTED LEAKING! Hahah it was the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me. Kendal and I were hugging goodbye before he left for class and then all of a sudden I realize my shirt is kind of wet. I thought it was because he had just showered and hadn’t fully dried but NOPE. After I asked him about it, I didn’t even consider the possibility I was already lactating and thought that maybe I had dribbled on my shirt a little while taking a drink of water but NOPE. I inspected the area a little more and suddenly it hit me. There would be no other reason for a perfectly round circle of wet on my boob (I know this is totally TMI but I’m just trying to document here!)
What I’m looking forward to? The urge to nest and crack down on getting baby’s nursery all ready for her big debut!