How far along? 24 weeks
Size of baby? Eggplant baby :)
Maternity Clothes? Mostly wearing maternity jeans at this point. They are just so comfy! I’ve found some pretty great deals at DI. The only problem is… I have looong legs and everything I find that fits everywhere else is just a wee short. Good thing it’s boot season! Haha
Pregnancy Symptoms? Just the usual heartburn. I read that this week baby girl starts developing hair and there is a pregnancy myth that says heartburn = hairy baby. It’s going to be so exciting to see if that’s true or not! It would be so fun to have a little babe with a full head of hair :) But if she comes out with an egghead, I will love her all the same. Haha. After running across this myth, I texted my sis-in-law who just had a baby in February that was born with a head full of luscious locks to see if she experienced a lot of heartburn during her pregnancy. She confirmed that she did, alike her two prior pregnancies and that all her babies have had lots of hair. But of course, she said it’s a myth and heartburn is a very typical symptom. Until I meet this little sweetie, I will keep imagining her with lots of dark hair.
Sleep? Same old, same old. Still pretty comfortable (counting my blessings I continue to be able to sleep on my back without feeling winded!)
Cravings? We had our annual halloween get together with some of our friends up here and I made a big dish of dirt and worms for dessert (aka chocolate pudding, crushed oreos and gummy worms) and guess what? The most appealing thing about it was the gummy worms. I suppose pregnancy graduated me from my chocoholic status! I mean, don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed the pudding and oreos. But I couldn’t keep my hands off the gummy worms when I was assembling the treat! Hahah
Anything making you queasy? Processed meat. I hit my limit with it the weekend before and can happily go without any bacon or sausage or most pork products. For the halloween party I mentioned, it’s our tradition to make mummy brats (bratwursts wrapped in dough), and I ate one because like I said… IT’S OUR TRADITION. But sometimes I honestly think I could make it as a vegetarian (something I never thought I would say).
Baby movement? All the normal kicks, punches and twirls!
Best moment this week? (To be honest, I am writing this post just a few weeks late and I am wracking my brain for other details about what happened during this time… But I got nothin!)
Weird pregnancy moment? MY BOOBS STARTED LEAKING! Hahah it was the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me. Kendal and I were hugging goodbye before he left for class and then all of a sudden I realize my shirt is kind of wet. I thought it was because he had just showered and hadn’t fully dried but NOPE. After I asked him about it, I didn’t even consider the possibility I was already lactating and thought that maybe I had dribbled on my shirt a little while taking a drink of water but NOPE. I inspected the area a little more and suddenly it hit me. There would be no other reason for a perfectly round circle of wet on my boob (I know this is totally TMI but I’m just trying to document here!)
What I’m looking forward to? The urge to nest and crack down on getting baby’s nursery all ready for her big debut!
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